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Клиника лазерной косметологии и хирургии Diamondlaser

Клиника лазерной косметологии и хирургии Diamondlaser

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I have very rare hair. I tried to buy various shampoos, but they do not help. I decided to contact an experienced trichologist at Diamond Laser Clinic. The doctor performed a hair diagnosis and prescribed a course of treatment which consisted of hair plasmotherapy and special agents. My hair got a lot better. I have concluded it is necessary to contact the doctor immediately.
Très positif du début à la fin, l'administrateur m'a aidé à répondre à toutes les questions que j'avais à propos de l'opération dont je me demandais (rhinoplastie) et que j'ai été maintenu pendant toute la durée du déplacement à Kiev. Jaroslav a fait un travail incroyable et a été si beau tout le temps et m'a fait me sentir facile le jour de mon opération, ça a changé ma vie, et je serai heureux de recommander cette clinique à tous ceux que je connais ! Merci! Merci! Merci!
I visit the pool regularly.I picked up a nail fungus. The doctor calmed me down and said that this problem is very popular. I had an analysis and shot the procedure with a laser. According to the results of the tests, I was prescribed pills. Comprehensive treatment helped me and I already see the result. I am very grateful to the dermatologist at the DaimondLaser Clinic.
I got bags under my eyes. I thought it was forever. My daughter came to visit and offered me an operation to remove the bags under my eyes. The clinic was found by my daughter immediately and registered me for a consultation with the surgeon. After the consultation, they signed me up for surgery right away. I was young for 20 years. I am happy with result. My husband and daughter are thrilled.
Le personnel remarquable!Je voulais juste dire merci pour la coordination de mon opération, du début à la fin. Je reviens à Avignon et je me remets bien. La clinique et tout le personnel ont été très amicaux et gentils, et je ne peux pas vous oublier. Mon déplacement à Kiev a été formidable et j'ai apprécié mon séjour en Ukraine. J'espère retourner à la clinique. Est absent à la limite de la beauté!Le Dr Olga était brillant. Je recommanderais cette clinique à n'importe qui.
Нашла данную клинику по рекомендации подруги, она ходит туда уже больше двух лет в клинике мне сделали все быстро и безболезненно. Я безумно довольна результатом. Теперь это моя клиника №1.
Had my tummy tuck with muscle repair December 9th and cannot fault anything.The staff were super friendly, the clinic clean and fresh, the surgeon both handsome and professional (dr. Yaroslav) and as for now the results seems to be just what they promised. They have answered all my questions before and after surgery - they give me the impression that they care about their patients. Would recommend the clinic to anyone who is considering surgery.
I suffered from acne. I was offered enhanced therapy from laser treatment, the doctor each time selected individual parameters for my skin condition, there were also peeling and facial cleansing, in addition, I received the most detailed lecture on skin care at home, I use all the prescribed means, at first I worried that I won’t no use. But when I realized that the skin became cleaner, that there was no need to apply tinting products every morning to hide all my flaws, I was absolutely delighted! Thank you for your literacy and patience with me!
I was on a laser hair removal procedure. Not only was the availability of a discount pleased, but also the quality! Previously, I did exclusively shugaring. But I want to still remove the hair, if not forever, so for a longer time. After the procedure, the skin became softer and more pleasant. There is no hair yet. Thank you for your advice and quality. I advise everyone "sugar lady" (who loves shugaring) to go to hair removal.
The Diamond Laser Clinic impressed me very much. Excellent specialists in their field work here, service is at the highest level. It's great that there is such a place in the city. I liked the dermatologist, she was able to save me from scars and small scars on my face, prescribed effective procedures. Now I am very pleased with my face and I recommend this clinic to everyone!
Давно беспокоили морщины на лбу и переносице. Было очень страшно идти и колоть это все дело. Но я решилась. Нашла клиникуDimond Laser, и страх сам собой пропал. Доктор Екатерина просто умничка! Хожу только сюда, и не только на укольчики.
Всегда стыдилась своей кожи. Очень глубокие ямки от акне. Рискнула прийти в клинику Diamond Laser и прошла курс шлифовки. Теперь смело могу ходить без тонны макияжа. Спасибо замечательному доктору и самой клинике
I visit this clinic all the time. I am very pleased with the service. The doctor is very attentive. I have written to me ethically treatment from spills on my face. I am very pleased with the result.
I removed Bisha’s lumps in the clinic, everything was perfectly, now there are no cheeks and beautiful cheekbones, I advise everyone to surgeons at the clinic and you won’t regret it!
I did the RF lifting procedure, after which the skin of my face was younger and freshened for a couple of years, wrinkles were pulled up and even small ones left, I think I still have to do mesotherapy in the complex. Thanks to the clinic!
I go to the clinic for a plasma therapy for hair, as my hair is rare and began to fall out, I took a course, and I see that they began to grow better and faster, thank you for your help!
Breast plastic surgery was done eight months ago. Now I can’t even imagine how I used to live with almost flat breasts. There were, of course, some concerns, after all, this was an operation. But everything went well, professionals working at Diamond Laser. Now I have a beautiful, high chest, harmonious in size. It is very important that the doctor is also an esthete and understands what is beautiful and what is not, and does not make the breasts absurd with respect to the body. Everything looks very natural for me.
Good injection procedure disport, did it for the first time, facial wrinkles are completely invisible when I frown and when I smile. Thank.
Ходила сюда на пилинг, потрясающий эффект, просто восхитительный, так же в этой клинике очень хорошие сезонные скидки на процедуры. Врачи дерматологи здесь квалифицированные, одно удовольствие с ними работать.
Посещаю Diamond Laser уже год, недавно впервые попробовала аппаратную косметологию, а именно SMAS лифтинг. Делала на зону подбородка и лицо. Результат очень понравился, немного были отеки после процедуры, пару дней, потом все прошло. Кожа стала нежнее, мягче, овал лица стал более четкий. Еще планирую пройти кур биоревитализации

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